
Is your noisy air conditioner harming your health?

Your noisy air conditioner more a hindrance than a help


Ahhh, that’s better! Now that I’ve switched off my ageing clunker of a split system to write this blog, I’m sure many homeowners (and renters like me) will be able to relate to the headache that comes with living with a noisy air conditioner.

Sadly, while most people take factors such as capacity, efficiency and cost into consideration when shopping for the perfect air conditioner for their home, they often forget to factor in noise.

READ MORE: The best air conditioning system on a budget https://www.plumheatcool.com.au/the-best-air-conditioning-system-on-a-budget-and-its-not-a-compromise-on-comfort/

This is a big mistake, since you don’t want to spend your summers having to shout at one and all to be heard, or run your TV at stadium-level volume just so you can hear the dialogue in your favourite shows – especially if you have young children in your family.

And with so many people choosing to now work from home these days, having a whisper-quiet home cooling system has never been more important.

Here’s just a few examples of when you’ll be grateful that you invested in a quiet unit:

If you work from home: All those Zoom conferences, phone calls with clients, urgent reports and homework require a calm, distraction-free environment so you can perform at your peak. If your air conditioner sounds like a jet-engine taking off from the airport, summer work life becomes very challenging.

When the baby’s asleep: A peaceful home environment is critical when it comes to putting your little ones to sleep. The last thing you need during the depths of summer is for your home air conditioner to create so much noise, that your infants and toddlers aren’t able to sleep properly.

If you suffer migraines: If you’ve ever had one of these extremely debilitating headaches, you’ll now they are not to be taken lightly. Many sufferers are forced to retreat to a dark, quiet space to sleep, with sensitivity to light and sound triggering extra pain. In this situation, a noisy air conditioner would become your worst enemy.

When you want a sneaky nanna nap, or a good night’s sleep: Imagine for a minute that your home is comfortably cool, you’ve soothed your overthinking mind and are just dozing off when the sound of your air con kicks in fiercely. Once heard, it can’t be unheard and now, getting to sleep is nigh impossible. What do you do? Turn your air conditioner off and sweat it out on a very hot night, or grit your teeth and try to block out the noise? Whatever you decide, these are hardly ideal conditions for a healthy night’s sleep.

Out of respect to the neighbours: As block sizes get smaller, our neighbours are getting closer and closer. So it’s becoming increasingly important to consider how noisy your system is outside, as well as inside. With new builds, many councils have strict noise requirements for air conditioners. For those replacing their system, it’s just good manners to make a considerate choice.

You can learn more about noise pollution and air conditioners at EPA Victoria’s website https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/for-community/environmental-information/noise/residential-noise, but a reliable supplier such as Plum Trade Services will also steer you right.

Give Plum Trade Services a call today

Since excessive noise is recognised as being harmful to your health, as we’ve explained in this blog, you owe it to yourself, your family and your neighbours to invest in the best quality, most reliable, efficient and quiet system that you can afford.

Plum Trade Services specialises in supplying a range of whisper-quiet air conditioning systems for every home. So why not give one of our award-winning customer service staff a call on  (03) 8360 9622 in Melbourne, (03) 5292 2219 in Geelong, or if you prefer email, via contact@plumheatcool.com.au.

Your comfort and satisfaction are what we strive for, day in, day out.

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