
Our Gas Ducted Heating major service the gold standard for safety, efficiency

Our Gas Ducted Heating major service is recommended every two years following installation to keep your family safe.
major service

Minor and major vehicle services are an essential part of our annual expenses budget, necessary to ensure we maintain them in a safe, near-new condition that will last many years to come. 

Same goes with our Gas Ducted Heating systems, where a meticulous maintenance schedule will ensure you enjoy toasty warmth in your home for decades to come.   

READ MORE: Plum’s unbeatable warranty gives you 9 incredible reasons to install Gas Ducted Heating

And just like with your car, Plum Trade Services offers two distinct types of service to keep your precious Gas Ducted Heater in tickety-boo running order.   

Our Gas Ducted Heating major service, versus the minor service

Our Minor Service, which used to be known as the annual 8-Point Comprehensive Safety Check, is essential to ensure that your heater is operating safely, and your home is free of Carbon Monoxide. 

But our newly introduced Gas Ducted Heating Major Service is even more intense – and recommended to be carried out every two years following installation. It delivers your comprehensive safety check to keep your family safe, with the added benefit of parts replacement.  

It’s kind of like having a Major Service on your car, where essential parts like air filters and spark plugs are replaced to prevent future breakdown. This is because manufacturers today have identified particular consumable parts as being responsible for majority of breakdowns, so they must be replaced.  

The extra expense in our Major Service covers replacement of these parts.  And if our competitors are offering a cheaper service, you can bet they won’t be replacing these hard-working parts.  

So by booking in a Major Service every second year, you will be protecting both your family and your investment, by making sure your system is operating as efficiently and safely as can be.  

Why not give Plum Trade Services a call today!  

Of course, all of this comes with our promise that our technicians will act with honesty and integrity in your home.  All of our staff (and this includes our licensed trades), work directly for us and are not contractors. So when they say they will be on the job at a certain time, you can bank on it.  

In fact, they’ll even shoot you a text message to give you a heads up that they’re on their way – and before leaving will make sure the site is clean and tidy.  Also, all of our service vans arrive fully equipped with all common parts, driven by technicians who know how to put smiles on customer faces thanks to their customer service.   

So why not book your Gas Ducted Heating Major Service in today, to give yourself full peace of mind for another two years? All you have to do is call us on (03) 8360 9622 in Melbourne, (03) 5292 2219 in Geelong, or flick us an email via contact@plumheatcool.com.au 

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