
Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Handy tips on how to look after your Split System
Look After Air Conditioning

Maintaining your air conditioner is a good idea, because it means your cooling system will last longer and provide you with optimum temperature control. However many homeowners feel unsure about how to best look after their air conditioner. The maintenance required depends on the age and type of unit you have, however there are some steps you can take to protect all air conditioners.

With summer coming up, it is a good idea to take extra care of your air conditioning unit so it doesn’t break down when you need it most.

Be Informed

Read the manual of your air conditioning unit, or chat to your installer about the features of your air conditioner. Being informed about what your air conditioner can do will not only mean you experience more of the benefits, but you will also understand more about how it works as well. Ask about any faults you might experience, so you recognise the signs and can act accordingly.

Split System

Clean Your Air Conditioner

Filters should be cleaned or changed once a month. Turn off the unit before checking and cleaning the filter. Uncleaned filters not only make your air conditoner work harder, they can be bad for your health. Spray your outside compressor with water to cool it down, and wipe it free from dust and debris.

Check Air Conditioner Hoses

Check the hoses on your unit are not leaking, especially near connections. Leakages cause undue dampness, and can damage your air-conditioning unit and cause mould.

Don’t Overwork It

Overworking your air conditioner will shorten its lifetime and give you little, if any, gains in temperature control. If you have a zoned air conditioner (ducted) use the controller to turn on the unit only in zones where it is needed. If you have extended your home since installing your air conditioner you may want to consider add on cooling, to support your existing unit.

Give The Air Conditioning Unit Space

If you have an air conditioning unit that you can see, you need to give it space. Check inside units are not too close to furniture or drapes, which will limit their effectiveness. Trim plants away from outside units, and check their visible exterior and interior for insects.

Regular Air Conditioner Service

We recommend having your air conditioner serviced with a ‘Standard Service‘ annually and an Intense Eco-Clean Service every 2nd year. While it may be tempting to neglect air conditioning maintenance, failure to keep your cooling unit serviced can cost more money in the long run, in energy bills and replacement costs.

Timely Air Conditioning Repairs

If you suspect something is wrong with your air conditioner, call a professional as soon as you can. Using a faulty air conditioner can be bad for your health and increase the damage to the unit. Faulty air conditioners also use more energy, and often have little ability to lower the temperature of your home. A professional can examine your air conditioner and replace parts if needed. Repairs generally cost less than replacement, and if your air conditioner is still under warranty your costs will be minimal.

Are you ready for a quote?

Plum Heating and Cooling can replace, repair or add to your existing air conditioning unit. We offer Melbourne heating and cooling repairs for products under warranty. Call (03) 8360 9622 to chat to a trained professional about air conditioner service Melbourne, or contact us to request a quote online.

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