
Choose The Right Cooling System In Melbourne

Best Cooling Unit For Melbourne

Different cooling systems are better for different homes and purposes. The unit you choose depends on your budget, priorities and needs. Though there are plenty of variables in choosing the right air conditioning unit for your home, we’ve put together an easy guide on choosing the right unit to meet your top priority. For more information talk to your Melbourne cooling systems expert about your specific needs!

Top Priority: Environmental Impact

If your main concern is the environmental impact of your Melbourne cooling system, the evaporative cooling system is the right choice for your home or business. Evaporative coolers in Melbourne use far less energy than other temperature control systems. This means they are kinder to the environment, and your energy bill. Evaporative cooling systems also operate without refrigerants – another win for the environment! If an Evaporative Cooler is not right for your home due to weather conditions or Melbourne cooling needs, you can still be environmentally friendly. Look for high energy star ratings on air conditioning units for environmentally friendly choices. You can also team your cooling unit with a fan, and/or blinds to maximise cooling, and minimise energy usage.

evaporative cooling installation melbourne

Top Priority: Year Round Solution

If your top priority is having a year round solution, the Split System Air Conditioner (also known as Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning) is right for you. Reverse cycle air conditioning allows you to cool your home in summer, and heat it in winter- all with the one unit. Reverse cycle air conditioners are more expensive than traditional air conditioners; however this cost is usually less than installing two separate units for summer and winter. If you already have an air conditioner, but didn’t invest in reverse cycle control, you can choose to have a gas heater or other heating unit installed in your home. Cooling systems in Melbourne are often used far more often if they are teamed with a heating device.

Top Priority: Improving Current System

If your main concern is improving your current Melbourne cooling system, due to a bigger budget at your disposal, or increased room sizes, add on cooling is your solution. Often home owners will extend their property, rendering their air conditioning unit incapable of cooling the whole home. Air conditioners that are being used to cool an area that is too large for them are more prone to breakdowns, and expend more energy. Add On Cooling systems adds to your existing unit, increasing its capacity to cool your home effectively!

At Plum Heating and Cooling our air conditioning experts are happy to offer you a free quote, and expert advice on what Melbourne cooling system is right for your home or business, click here.

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