
Servicing Your Heater Could Save Your Life

Don't put it off until it's too late
Are you Safe - Service Your Heater

Imagine going to sleep in the safety of your home only to be woken by smoke and heat lashing around you and your family.

This was a reality for a family in Spotswood a few years ago and more than 6 other families around Australia whose heating and cooling unit caught on fire.

While many believe that their smoke detectors will alert them, this was not the case. If a fire were to start due to a split air conditioner located in the roof, smoke forms above the detectors and does not trigger the alarm.

Why would a heater or cooler catch on fire?

These units are made up of many different components such as filters, coils, heat exchange, cooling pads.  Over time these units will naturally get a build up of dust and other gunk which affects its ability to function properly.

When we have a build up of dust in a small area that heats up fast, you increase the likelihood of a fire starting.

Energy Victoria quoted Victoria’s Director of Energy Safety, Paul Fearon, saying “all gas heaters, evaporative coolers and air conditioners should be serviced at least every two years.”

By servicing your heating system you will be saving yourself from the pain and heartache of a possible fire in your home. It is much like changing the batteries in your smoke alarm, you set a time each year and just do it.

Why risk it? Stay safe this year and get your heating system and air conditioner serviced.

Here are a few ways to ensure your air conditioner service is done right:

Make sure your technician is qualified. 
Plum heating and cooling take pride in having qualified technicians to ensure the safety of your heating system and air conditioner.

Make sure your technician cleans the whole system, not just the exterior.  
With all services, Plum technicians will safely open the unit and take apart what is necessary to clean and service your system.

Ensure your technician dries your unit before using it again. 
Water and electricity don’t mix, which is why we use the latest technology to dry your if necessary before we leave.

Check if your technician uses eco-friendly products to further aid in cleaner air in your home.
Our environment is very important to our company which is why we choose to use eco cleaning of split system air conditioner systems.

Carbon monoxide testing.
Plum Heating and Cooling carry out a required carbon monoxide test when we undertake a gas heating system service.

Are you Ready for a Service?

If you haven’t had your heater serviced during the last 1.5 to 2 years, it’s time to have it serviced! We offer a 8-Point Comprehensive Service where we service and run a carbon monoxide test.

Get in touch with us at Plum Heating and Cooling or give us a call on 8360-9622 to book in a Service Technician.

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