
How To Keep Your Home Warm With Gas Heating

Gas Ducted Heating Melbourne

We don’t know about you, but every time we hear the Crowded House song ‘Four seasons in one day’ we can’t help but think of Melbourne and our often funny weather!

Despite it being well in April, the days are still quite warm, but with significantly lower temperatures overnight and in the morning.  As this sunny spell fades into true wintry Melbourne weather, we thought it was a great time to share three top tips on keeping yourself and your family toasty warm with gas heating.

Tip 1 – Check for draughts

Remember those draught excluders our grandparents used at the bottom of the doors?  Well, they were on the right track!

Stopping the cold air from leaking into you house seems like a no-brainer, but it’s sometimes difficult to figure out where the air is coming from.  By doing a quick check around your doors and windows each year before winter (choose a windy day!) you’ll be able to easily identify those leaks and grab yourself a draught excluder and stick on some sealing strips to doors and windows which are available at any hardware store.

Once your gas heater is up and running on those cold Melbourne days, you’ll be confident that you’re not losing heat unnecessarily!

Tip 2 – Use the power of the sun

While you might use block out blinds to stop the sun warming up your home through summer, why not let it help out during winter?

Because it’s lower in the sky during winter, the sun will shine further into rooms that through the warmer months.  Keep your curtains and blinds open on those sides of the house that get the most of that lovely golden heat, particularly in the afternoons.

If you’re thinking about planting trees or vines outside your windows for summer shade, consider ones that drop their leaves during winter so the sun’s rays have a clear path.

Tip 3 – Insulate, insulate, insulate

It’s never too late to insulate a home… in fact, in homes with little or poor insulation, up to 60% of the heat generated by gas heaters can be lost!

While most homes have ceiling insulation, it’s always good to have a look to see if it’s deteriorated as it might need more added or replacing altogether.

If your house is on stumps, you can also consider underfloor insulation to stop heat loss through the floor. In addition, if you’re lucky enough to be building a new home, ensure that insulation in the walls, particularly exterior walls, is adequate and perhaps think about investing in double glazed windows that will keep even more heat contained within your home.

Of course, you should have any gas heaters in your home serviced every two years to check for dangerous carbon monoxide leaks.

We’ll be bringing you more tips and tricks to get the most out of your heating through the Melbourne winter, so please check back to our blog.  If you have any questions about the best gas heater for your home, please give our team a call on 03-8360 9266.

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