
When Was The Last Time You Had Your Gas Heating System Serviced?

Gas Ducted Heater Service

As the days get cooler and shorter here in Melbourne, it’s important to think about having your gas heaters serviced.

While they’re an efficient way to keep your house warm and comfortable through autumn and winter, gas heaters also need regular servicing to ensure they run at full capacity.

Failing to do so can also be catastrophic, as highlighted in the tragic case of the Robinson family; their boys, Chase and Tyler, sadly passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning in 2010, when a faulty gas heater in their rental property leaked the odourless gas into their bedroom.

Energy Safe Victoria are currently running a public education campaign to highlight the dangers of unserviced gas heaters, encouraging homeowners and landlords to have them checked for carbon monoxide leaks.

The ‘Don’t Get Cold Feet’ campaign highlights the fact that, in any family home, the silent killer of carbon monoxide could be dangerous for you and your family and we encourage you to watch their short video.

It’s also important to consider the build up of dust inside your gas heater, which can create a significant fire hazard. In fact, the Plum team has been called out several times to find burnt out fans in gas heaters, events which could have easily resulted in something more disastrous.

heating system

Energy Safe Victoria and the Victorian Building Authority recommend having your gas heater serviced at least every 2 years.

All Plum technicians are equipped with a state of the art, German-engineered Testo Carbon Monoxide Testing device; once your service is completed, our technician will give you a printed receipt of the carbon monoxide levels in your home.

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