
Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling

Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems, including ducted reverse cycle systems, have become a cornerstone of modern homes, ensuring year-round comfort and convenience. These systems utilise electrical energy to provide both heating during the colder months and cooling during the warmer months, thereby maintaining optimal indoor temperatures throughout the year.

Ducted reverse cycle systems, a specific type of Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling system, are particularly favoured due to their efficiency and versatility. These systems operate by reversing the refrigeration cycle, providing heating in winter and cooling in summer through the same unit. This dual functionality makes them a highly convenient and cost-effective solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

This article offers a comprehensive guide on Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems, with a particular focus on ducted reverse cycle systems. It covers their working principles, benefits, and more, providing valuable insights for homeowners and those interested in sustainable and efficient home heating and cooling solutions.

Understanding Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling Systems

Electric ducted heating and cooling systems, specifically ducted reverse cycle systems, are an all-in-one solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate throughout the year. These systems utilise electrical energy to both heat and cool your home, ensuring optimal comfort in all seasons.

The ‘reverse cycle’ in ducted reverse cycle systems refers to the system’s ability to reverse its operation based on the desired indoor temperature. In cooling mode, the system works by extracting heat from the indoor air and expelling it outside, cooling the room in the process. Conversely, in heating mode, the system operates in reverse, extracting heat from the outdoor air, even in cold conditions, and using it to warm the indoor environment.

One of the primary advantages of electric ducted heating and cooling systems is their energy efficiency. By using the same components for both heating and cooling, these systems can save energy and reduce operating costs. Moreover, many modern electric ducted heating and cooling systems incorporate inverter technology, which allows them to adjust their output based on the room’s temperature, further enhancing their energy efficiency.

Electric ducted heating and cooling systems are also known for their versatility. They can be installed in new builds or retrofitted into existing homes, and they can provide uniform heating and cooling across multiple rooms or zones. This makes them an ideal choice for homes of all sizes and layouts.

However, like any heating and cooling system, electric ducted heating and cooling systems also have some potential drawbacks, such as higher upfront costs and the need for regular maintenance. Despite these, their benefits often outweigh the drawbacks, making them a popular choice for many homeowners.

Is Electric ducted heating and Cooling the way of the future?

As we move towards a future increasingly focused on sustainability and energy efficiency, Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems, particularly ducted reverse cycle systems, are poised to play a pivotal role. These systems offer a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional heating and cooling methods, making them a key component of the homes of the future.

Solar Energy:

Solar panels, or photovoltaic systems, convert sunlight directly into electricity. This electricity can be used to power Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems, making them an ideal partner for solar technology. By harnessing renewable solar energy, these systems can operate independently of the grid, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering energy costs.

Gas Phase-Out:

With Melbourne Victoria planning to phase out gas heating due to environmental concerns, Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems offer a viable alternative. Unlike gas heating systems, these systems do not produce carbon emissions at the point of use, making them a cleaner choice for home heating and cooling.

Environment and Eco Homes:

Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems align with the principles of eco homes, which prioritise sustainability and minimal environmental impact. These systems use electricity, which can be sourced from renewable energy, and are highly energy-efficient, reducing both carbon emissions and energy costs.

Technology in Home:

Modern Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems incorporate advanced technologies, such as inverter technology and smart thermostats, to enhance their performance and efficiency. These technologies allow for precise temperature control, energy usage monitoring, and even remote control of the system, providing convenience and comfort for homeowners.

In conclusion, given their compatibility with renewable energy, their role in the phase-out of gas, their contribution to eco-friendly homes, and their integration of modern technology, Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems are indeed the way of the future. As we strive for a sustainable and energy-efficient future, these systems will undoubtedly become an integral part of our homes and buildings.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings with Electric ducted heating and Cooling

One of the main benefits of electric ducted heating and cooling systems is their energy efficiency. These systems use less energy compared to traditional heating and cooling methods, leading to significant cost savings on energy bills. The efficiency of electric ducted heating and cooling systems is often measured using the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy-efficient the system is.

Electric ducted heating and cooling systems are not only cost-effective in terms of energy use but also require less maintenance, which can further save costs in the long run. Moreover, many electric ducted heating and cooling systems are eligible for tax credits and rebates, which can help offset the initial investment.

However, it’s important to note that the actual energy savings can vary depending on several factors, including the system’s size and efficiency, the insulation in the home, and the local climate.

The Environmental Impact of Electric ducted heating and Cooling

Electric ducted heating and cooling systems have a lower environmental impact compared to traditional heating and cooling methods. They use environmentally friendly refrigerants that do not deplete the ozone layer and contribute less to global warming. Moreover, because they use electricity, they can be powered by renewable energy sources, further reducing their carbon footprint.

However, the environmental impact of electric ducted heating and cooling systems also depends on how the electricity is generated. In areas where electricity is primarily generated from fossil fuels, the environmental benefits of these systems may be less pronounced. Therefore, it’s important to consider the source of electricity when evaluating the environmental impact ofelectric ducted heating and cooling systems.

Harnessing Solar Energy for Electric ducted heating and Cooling Systems

Solar energy, a renewable and abundant source of power, is increasingly being utilised to operate electric ducted heating and cooling systems. This combination presents a sustainable and cost-effective solution for maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures.

Solar panels, or photovoltaic (PV) systems, convert sunlight directly into electricity. This electricity can be used to power electric ducted heating and cooling systems, such as heat pumps and air conditioners. By using solar energy, these systems can operate independently of the grid, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering energy costs.

Moreover, the excess electricity generated by solar panels can be stored in batteries for use when sunlight is not available, or fed back into the grid, further offsetting energy costs. This makes solar-powered electric ducted heating and cooling systems a viable option even in areas with less consistent sunlight.

In addition, advancements in solar technology and the decreasing cost of solar panels have made this combination more accessible and affordable. As we strive towards a sustainable future, integrating solar panels with electric ducted heating and cooling systems offers a promising way to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve energy independence.

Integration of Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling Systems with Smart Home Devices

The integration of Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems with smart home devices like Google Home and Alexa is revolutionising the way we control our home environment. This seamless integration is part of the broader trend towards fully automated homes, where various devices and systems can be controlled remotely and interactively.

Smart home devices allow homeowners to control their Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems using voice commands or through a smartphone app. This means you can adjust the temperature, switch between heating and cooling modes, or even schedule operation times without having to physically interact with the system. This level of control not only enhances convenience but also allows for more efficient use of energy, as the system can be adjusted to operate only when needed.

Moreover, the integration of Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems with smart home devices goes beyond simple control. Advanced features like learning algorithms allow these systems to adapt to your habits and preferences over time. For instance, they can learn when you usually come home and adjust the temperature accordingly, ensuring a comfortable environment as soon as you walk in the door.

In addition to controlling heating and cooling, smart home devices can also control other aspects of the home, such as lighting, garage doors, and even robotic vacuum cleaners. They can act as TV remotes, control smart appliances, and even monitor home security systems. This level of integration creates a fully connected and automated home, where comfort, convenience, and efficiency are enhanced.

Furthermore, the integration of Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems with smart home devices also opens up possibilities for more advanced features in the future. For instance, these systems could potentially be integrated with weather forecasting apps to adjust their operation based on the predicted weather, further enhancing their efficiency and comfort.

Should I make the move to Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling now?

The decision to switch to Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems is a significant one, involving considerations of cost, energy efficiency, and environmental impact. However, there are several compelling reasons why making the move now could be beneficial.

Firstly, Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling systems, particularly ducted reverse cycle systems, are highly energy-efficient. They can provide both heating and cooling from a single unit, reducing energy consumption and potentially lowering your energy bills.

Secondly, these systems are environmentally friendly. They use electricity, which can be sourced from renewable energy, and produce no emissions at the point of use. This makes them a greener choice compared to traditional gas heating systems.

Thirdly, with advancements in technology, these systems can now be integrated with smart home devices, providing enhanced control and convenience. You can adjust the temperature, switch modes, or schedule operation times remotely, making it easier to maintain a comfortable home environment.

Lastly, with many countries planning to phase out gas heating due to environmental concerns, making the switch to Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling now could future-proof your home and potentially increase its value.

In conclusion, while the decision ultimately depends on your specific circumstances and needs, there are several compelling reasons to consider making the move to Electric Ducted Heating and Cooling now.

Choosing the Right Electric ducted heating and Cooling System for Your Home

Choosing the right electric ducted heating and cooling system for your home involves considering several factors. These include the size of your home, the local climate, your budget, and your specific heating and cooling needs.

Different types of electric ducted heating and cooling systems are suited to different applications. For instance, heat pumps are ideal for moderate climates, while electric furnaces may be more suitable for colder climates. Air conditioners are primarily used for cooling and are a good choice for hot climates.

Some popular brands of electric ducted heating and cooling systems include Mitsubishi, Rinnai, Daikin, LG, and Fujitsu. These brands offer a wide range of models with different features and capabilities, allowing you to choose a system that best fits your needs and preferences.

Installation and Maintenance of Electric ducted heating and Cooling Systems

The installation of electric ducted heating and cooling systems should be carried out by a professional to ensure it is done correctly and safely. The installation process involves several steps, including selecting the right location for the system, installing the indoor and outdoor units, connecting the refrigerant lines, and setting up the control system.

Regular maintenance is crucial for the efficient operation of electric ducted heating and cooling systems. This includes cleaning or replacing the filters regularly, checking the refrigerant levels, inspecting the electrical connections, and cleaning the indoor and outdoor units. Regular maintenance can help prevent problems, extend the life of the system, and ensure it operates at peak efficiency.


Is there such a thing as electric ducted heating?

Yes, electric ducted heating is a type of heating system that uses electricity to generate heat. It typically involves a central heating unit that heats air and then distributes it throughout the home via a network of ducts. This is commonly referred to as Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner.

Is gas or electric ducted heating better?

Both gas and electric ducted heating systems have their advantages. Gas systems are often cheaper to run but may have higher installation costs and produce emissions. Electric systems, particularly ducted reverse cycle systems, can provide both heating and cooling, are more environmentally friendly, and can be more cost-effective over time due to their high energy efficiency.

How does electric ducted heating work?

Electric ducted heating works by using electricity to heat air within a central unit. This heated air is then distributed throughout the home via a network of ducts. In ducted reverse cycle systems, the refrigeration cycle can be reversed to provide cooling as well.

Is electric central heat expensive?

The cost of electric central heating can vary depending on several factors, including the efficiency of the system, the size of the space being heated, and the cost of electricity in your area. However, modern electric ducted heating systems, particularly ducted reverse cycle systems, are highly energy-efficient and can be more cost-effective over time.


Electric ducted heating and cooling systems offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. With their high energy efficiency, quiet operation, and the ability to provide both heating and cooling, these systems are an excellent choice for modern homes. Whether you’re building a new home or upgrading your existing heating and cooling system, consider the benefits of electric ducted heating and cooling systems.

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